Project Description
At Procap, we work on a variety of spatial projects; from neighborhood renewals to large mobility projects. As space is scarce and interests differ, spatial projects are challenging and require first-class advice and smart project management. Procap helps governments in developing visions and guides projects from the initiation phase to the implementation phase. With our expertise, creativity and energy, we work on current spatial issues. We establish clear objectives, assemble the ideal team, develop a strategy, and go for it. In every project, we aim for an integrated approach; we try to find the right balance between for example the climate, the people and the economy. The projects we execute can be divided into three broad themes; area development, mobility & infrastructure and energy & climate. We offer our employees the opportunity and freedom to discover what kind of projects and activities they enjoy. We believe a pleasant atmosphere in the workplace is crucial, which is why we regularly organize activities that contribute to this.