Board Application

Are you interested in applying for the Geo Promotion Board of 2025/2026? Send us an email with your cv & motivational letter with your preferred positions to before  the 7th of April 23:59. Not sure about what function you would prefer? Take a look below at the typical main tasks of each function. The list does not contain all tasks, only the major ones.  The distribution of the tasks can of course change within each board, but this will give you a good idea of what to expect.

As chair of Geo Promotion you are the face of the organisation for the year! You are responsible for the quality of the conference: you are to make sure the conference is the best it can be, while also making sure that the board enjoys their time as board of Geo Promotion. A few of the tasks of chair include:

  • Responsible for internal communication and motivation
  • Representing the foundation
  • Being the host during the conference
  • Initiating and coordinating the board meetings
  • Making the schedules and task division

With a six-member board, the duties below are for the vice-chairman. When there is a five-member board, this position will be the first to fall away and the tasks will be redistributed.

  • Approaching speakers
  • Location
  • Acquisition
  • Roadmap/conference day script creation

As secretary at Geo Promotion you mainly have general and less conference specific tasks. This means that the job-specific tasks for the secretary are mainly supportive in the background and aimed at the continuity of the foundation. These are actually mainly ‘ behind the scenes ’ tasks, but they serve as the basis that a conference can be held every year. During the year, you can take up tasks that you enjoy doing yourself, especially related to the conference. With the function-specific tasks you do not spend more than a third of your time.

  • Keeping minutes during meetings
  • Keep track of all communication via both mail and physical mail
  • Compliance with the articles of association
  • Maintain the archive
  • Ensuring the secretarial annual report
  • Recruiting a new board and account for the transfer document

As treasurer you manage the finances of the foundation. You pay the invoices and declarations received, you also draw up the contracts and invoices for the sponsors and you collect the participation fee through an incasso. In order to obtain a good overview of the financial position of the foundation, as treasurer you prepare: (1) a budget, (2) a balance sheet at the end of the year and (3) a monthly overview with income and expenses incurred. The duties of the treasurer revolve around:

  • Drawing up contracts
  • Taking care of the budget
  • Drawing up a balance sheet
  • Track developments in a monthly overview
  • Keep track of declarations made
  • Collection of invoices
  • Collection of direct debits from participants
  • Financial arrangements at the faculty
  • Vision and consultation with the audit committee

The position of Commissioner Internal Relations is involved with, among other things, the recruitment and promotion of the conference or other events. Because of this, you are responsible for designing and coordinating all promotions (posters/lecture slides/conference reader/banners) and communicating this promotion through the website and social media. You will therefore work a lot with design programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Indesign and/or Illustrator. You will gain a lot of experience with this throughout the year. However, basic knowledge and creativity are definitely a plus to get yourself started. The layout for the promotional material is very important and each year there is a recognizable look of the promotion for the conferences. Besides promotion, you will be the administrator of the website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, corporate LinkedIn and Twitter (optionally) and make sure they are up to date.

  • Designing of promotional & conference materials
  • Recruiting participants for the conference
  • Maintaining our contacts, such as Ibn Battuta, RECG and Pro Geo
  • Maintaining social media and the website
  • Creating constitution cards/Business cards/Christmas cards
  • Introductory video at the conference
  • Creating the name tags
  • Registration/evaluation forms

In short, the commissioner external relations is ultimately responsible for binding external parties to the event and maintaining contact with them. The commissioner external relations  has the overview of the companies approached and contracts already concluded. The person with this position largely determines how the acquisition is conducted, who within the board establishes and maintains contact with which company and what strategies are used. Communication with other board members who run acquisitions in a start-up phase and with the treasurer as to how far finances come around in a later phase is very important.

  • Responsible for the performance of the acquisition (team)
  • Liaise with the external relations commissioner of the other faculty organizations
  • Point of contact at and leading up to the conferences for companies
  • Optional other external contacts, such as the career Day and the Real Estate Club