Company profile Dura Vermeer

We are developers and builders. True hands-on people and achievers, with no less than 167 years of knowledge and innovation in our pocket – and the heart of a family business. That feeling is very strong: we are truly there for each other: for our clients, partners, and colleagues. By simply doing and doing it right. It’s in our DNA, you’ll find it everywhere. We want to create areas, projects, and buildings where people are measurably healthier and happier – and do so as long and sustainably as possible. Our mission is to do the right thing for our clients, partners, colleagues, and fellow human beings. To make this happen, we must also do the right thing for the climate and the planet. We only have one world, and it’s already facing enough challenges. For Dura Vermeer Bouw Hengelo, sustainable collaboration is key: making plans together, doing the right thing together, sharing knowledge and successes, and innovating together. This applies to every discipline we have in-house: Development, Residential Construction, Commercial Construction, Renovation & Transformation, and Management & Exploitation. We work in value streams, where everyone is at the table as one team. With only one goal: to deliver on what we promise.

Workshop description

‘The energy transition from the social and urban planning perspective’
The energy transition is one of the major challenges of our time. Often, the focus is on
the technical aspects. However, human behavior and urban planning can also have a
significant impact on the energy transition. How can you ensure that these factors are
considered at the neighborhood or building level?

Issue 1

  1. “How can we inspire and engage residents to make a meaningful contribution to
    the energy transition at the neighborhood level in Suikerzijde (Groningen)?”

Issue 2

  1. “How can we inspire and engage residents to make a meaningful contribution to
    the energy transition at the building level in Hortus Ludi (Nijmegen)?”