Terms and Conditions Participation Geo Promotion Conference 2024
Article 1: Costs of Participation
1.1 The stated prices include participation and lunch. Stichting Geo Promotion does not charge VAT over the costs of participation.
1.2 Prices are stated in euros, unless stated otherwise.
1.3 If any over-subscription occurs, Stichting Geo Promotion reserves the right to decide on who can participate at the Geo Promotion Conference, this will follow a drawing of lots in which students of the faculty of Spatial Sciences have priority. Further drawing of lots will take place based on the year of study enrollment. Persons who are excluded from participation due to the drawing of lots will not be charged for the costs of participation.
Article 2: Payment Conditions
2.1 Payment will take place through a direct debit from the account number stated in the subscription form.
2.2 Payment will take place within 60 (sixty) days after the Geo Promotion Conference.
2.3 An invoice of the costs of participation can be requested via e-mail, which is contact@geopromotion.nl
Article 3: Cancellation of participation
3.1 Until 7 (seven) days prior to the Geo Promotion Conference – the 27th of February 2025 at the latest– participants are able to cancel their entry free of charge. After this date, we will charge the full price. Cancellation can be done exclusively via e-mail. Another person can, after giving notice to the board of Stichting Geo Promotion, replace a participant without added costs.
3.2 If the person does not cancel the participation in time and/or does not show up to the Geo Promotion Conference, the student will be charged for all costs made for them. This adds up to 45 (forty five) euros.
3.3 The costs owed after late cancellation will be withdrawn as described in Article 2.
Article 4: Changes in Timetable / Cancellation of the day / Date Change
4.1 Major changes in the Timetable will exclusively take place in the event of force majeure and/or illness of the keynote speaker(s).
4.2 Stichting Geo Promotion will attempt to fulfill workshop preferences to the best of its abilities but is not able to guarantee that participants will be assigned to their preferred workshops. The board of Stichting Geo Promotion has the right to assign participants to workshops other than those indicated in the preferences if deemed necessary.
4.3 Stichting Geo Promotion reserves the right to change the date and location of the Geo Promotion at all times, to cancel the day, or to strike, whether this is in the event of force majeure as stated in Art 6.75 BW or not. In the case of the former, no claims to compensation of damages can be made in any way.
Article 5: Liability
Stichting Geo Promotion can not be held responsible for any damage, from whichever cause, to things or persons caused by or related to the participation at the Geo Promotion Conference.
Article 6: Applicable Law
To all offers and agreements, to which these Terms and Conditions apply, only Dutch law is applicable.
Article 7: Privacy Policy Faculty Association Ibn Battuta
Next to these Terms and Conditions, also the Privacy Policy (which is in line with the GDPR – AVG in Dutch) of Faculty Association Ibn Battuta is applicable to the Geo Promotion Conference.
Article 8: Remainder
In all cases to which the Terms and Conditions do not apply, board members of Stichting Geo Promotion will decide on further action.