Metafoor Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling is a nationally operating consultancy for area development. We are located in Almere. As a consultancy for area development, our focus is on advising (local) governments, housing associations, investors and developers. Our core activities include project management, legal advice on public and private law and financial management of area development. Our work is all about high-quality advice concerning the factors that influence the (financial) outcome of land development and development projects. Area developments can be necessary and desirable, for example due to the shortage of housing. However, these projects will not become reality with a large negative financial outcome. But how is financial feasibility of projects achieved? Learn more at https://www.metafoorro.nl/.
Metafoor Ruimtelijke Ontwikkling is always looking for new interns or starters who have a great passion
for area development. Contact us if you are interested: Dani.Grevelink@metafoor.nl
Workshop description
In our interactive workshop you will play the role of financial advisor for a municipality. In our
calculation model you will play with numbers, concerning different factors in spatial development to
achieve the highest possible financial feasibility. You will have to manage all the wishes and
requirements of three stakeholders: the future residents, the municipality itself and the developer of
the project. On the one hand, the municipality aims to build as many houses as possible, in order to
combat the housing shortage. On the other hand the residents want to live in a nice, green
environment without a lot of high-rise buildings. The developer however, wants to keep the price of
the site as low as possible, in his aim for a profit. You will experience how difficult it is to combine all
these interests, in your target for a feasible project.
To be announced!